Freerouting: Importing .ses fails in KiCad "Board may be corrupted"


When I import the result of an freerouting .ses file, I get an error

Board may be corrupted, don’t save it. Fix problem and try later. Expecting ‘symbol’ in ------ line 102
offset 14

Corresponding files:
my-board.dsn (38.9 KB)
my-board.rules (4.5 KB) (30.8 KB)

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start Freerouting either from KiCad extensions or as a standalone software
  • Stop autorouter (5 seconds countdown)
  • Change configuration as you please (in my case 400 width connections, 400 clearences and 900 via diameter for pcb milling)
  • Autoroute
  • Save the result in a .ses file. Save the rules in .rules file.
  • When imported, error occurs.

Further information

  • Starting the Freerouting via KiCad and not touching anything seems to work weirdly. Then it does not create any error.

Please help, thank you. And also please give me possibility to upload file, so I can upload the rules, ses and dsn files.

Done. That said, Freerouting is a plugin and not maintained by anyone here. So, depending on what’s happening, you may have to talk to the Freerouting folks.

The Github site for Freerouting is: GitHub - freerouting/freerouting: Advanced PCB auto-router That’s where issues should be reported.

Also, we are not psychic. What is your KiCad version and OS details? This might be a known and fixed KiCad issue

Alright. I thought this sounded more like an import issue, tbh. I will post it there as well. Thank you.

I am using KiCad 8.0.8 with the in-app installable plug in.

My files are here:
my-board.dsn (38.9 KB)
my-board.rules (4.5 KB) (30.8 KB)

Lol I solved the issue myself!

KiCad expects Via names to start with a string and not a number. My vias were named as “600” and this is an issue for KiCad.

Editing the .ses file by renaming the padstack a600 solved the issue.

Here I created a Freerouting issue about it.