Freerouting displays strangely on Windows 10 (solved)

I installed KiCad 5.1.2-2 less than a week ago, and have created a schematic, associated footprints, generated a netlist, and created a board outline and placed the footprints on it with unrouted wires. No errors.

I also have installed the latest versions of freerouting, Java from Oracle, and Apache IDE (not sure I need this).

I exported the dsn file.

I really want to try freerouting, but when I start freerouting and point the open dialog to the dsn file, it opens a window but with very few icons and I have no idea what is happening or how to select preferences or tell it to autoroute and then export the ses file. It appears some library isn’t working. I’ll try to attach a panel or two here.

Can you help me?

I clicked on the left icon and nothing happed for awhile. Moving the cursor around some fields populated and I could see the batch autorouter running with the via count and trace length. The via count got down to 78 after about 20 - 25 minutes. But still I cannot see the panel and how to output the ses file. Please help. Here is the screen showing at the bottom the fields I mentioned.


I was running my display at 125% of normal size because of my eyes. When I changed to 100%, I can now see the board layout panel. I’m down to 69 vias.

Closing this Question as solved (if I can). Here is the panel working I think.


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