FOSDEM 2023 talks

Hey, I cannot find any talks about KiCas on FOSDEM this year. Did I miss something? Usually the Wayne does the state of the union talk and iirc KiCad 7 was supposed to be announced iff everything goes well.
I only found Seths talk about funding open source projects.
Thanks for the help!

2023 is no hardware/CAD dev room on the Fosdem

Wow you’re right. No talks about Freecad either.
Do you know why this is the case? Thats really unfortunate…

FreeCAD will be present…
some detail here

Unfortunately, we submitted a request for the open hardware devroom but were denied. This was a huge blow to everyone involved. We asked for some feedback on why we were shut out this year after 8 years of continuous, well-attended rooms. The only hint we received was that we were highlighting open source CAD and not vocal enough about open source hardware (it was lower on our topic list). So lesson learned, and we’ll apply that to next year’s application.

In the meantime, if you’d like to join some KiCad folks and maybe a few FreeCADers, you can join our dinner group

First thing you see on their website:

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.

Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels.

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Man, that’s a fking shame. I cannot comprehend FOSDEM decision on this.
The reasoning behind this is absolutely bonkers.

Thanks for the answer, for the application and all the hard work you all put into KiCad

My first thoughts was that it could be either a misunderstanding, or somebody getting out of bed with the wrong foot.

It seems more logical though that the available room in the building is limited and there are too many applicants to compete for it.

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You should all direct angry letters to FOSDEM.


Maybe they are now large enough to accept bribes and you didn’t realize it is now pay to play? :money_mouth_face:

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We’ve discussed sponsorship of the event with FOSDEM. They are a bit pricey for us but I’ll post part of the response here to prevent the “pay to play” idea from gaining traction.

Our sponsors' contributions start at 10.000 euro and include exposure
before and during our event.

Please do note that we offer visibility to our sponsors throughout our
event, however sponsorships do not include any speaking slots or any
kind of space at our event. This is done in an effort to avoid any
influence in the content of the event.

We do welcome any ideas you may have in order to increase your

To maximize our sponsors' visibility we only accept a maximum number of
sponsors each year, as many as needed to cover our expenses. That's
around 10 sponsors per year.

So everyone you see at FOSDEM got there based on their proposals, not on any monetary contribution. They don’t even offer sponsors a stand. Just “visibility”, which means putting a logo in different parts of the media around the conference. They are true believers™

Fosdem was “online only” in 2021 and 2022, and this year it’s the first live Fosdem for quite a while. I’m guessing that a lot more people are competing for a talk on Fosdem this year because of that virus thing.

Maybe I missed something but I cannot remember any pre-recorded talks in 2020 as they are announced “only online” this year. In fact it seems this year is something between live and virtual Fosdem and possibly they have any limitations from the campus for the reason of short preparation time. On the other hand, the campus have much bigger dev-rooms (e.g. LLVM talks) what were not that crowded as the hardware/cad dev-room 2020. Further I am still also missing the rising number of artificial intelligence people who are active around the NVIDIA Jetson and other platforms. Regarding Kicad: Are there future plans with any events at CERN as a replacement ?

CERN was asked for hosting KiCon, they haven’t been able to commit to hosting.
So not at this time.

Just wondering, are you aware of T-Dose?


It may be an alternative to Fosdem

That is a list of what I can only call “depression”.

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