Footprints with internal copper track

Is it possible to create a footprint with track on internal copper layer?
I don’t know how to do it. (for example for an antenna).

Thank you for yor answer.

Best regards.

No, not possible.
For an antenna you could make a footprint with a custom shaped pad.

OK, thank you very much for this fast answer. Best regards.

They told the Wright Brothers they could never fly their gizmo. But, there are 6,500 daily filghts the world over.

They told Bell talking into some gizmo couldn’t be done…

Here’s how to do it in Three Simple Steps…

  1. Make the footprint and Place Pads and Draw the Trace with Polylines (any layer is fine, example is done on Dwg layer. Save it. Thus, now have a .mod file.

  2. Open the .mod file in a Text Editor. Edit the file by Find/Replace-All and change Dwgs.User to B.Cu (or other desired layer). Save it (be sure to save in UTF-8, not RichText).

  3. Sip some good Black Coffee

Bingo - you’re done!

.mod Before Edit

.mod After Edit

Result in the Footprint selection panel

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@BlackCoffee And this polyline (which is a graphics item even if changed to F.Cu) has all the properties, e g. connectivity, a trace has?

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The OP’s question asked about Track in footprint.

Different users have different needs. My needs don’t require bells/whistles/full-ability for Net’s, DRC… Thus, my approach does two things:

  1. Answers the OP’s Question
  2. Satisfies my needs (and, perhaps another user’s…)

It’s a quick/simple effort to try out something based on curiosity

My needs are for making my own PCB on CNC Mill… below shows I get what ‘I’ want…

EDIT: And, naturally, a User can make a Custom Pad in the shape of a Track (with the GraphicPollygon Tool) - that will functionally be like any Pad/Connection…

have a look at this board Microwave-Transmitter

this has a coupler fp with internal layer poly zone (moved to internal layer by using a text editor)

Thanks that’s a useful hack I’ll remember.

Note that in v6 you can put graphic lines on copper layers in the GUI; you don’t need to edit the footprint by hand.

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Thank you for this solution. For me it works!!

Thank you. I test it and it works. Thank you very much.

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