Footprint Wizard not updated on script edit

I am writing a Python script to generate footprints using the footprint wizard. The script works, but it is only loaded once when KiCad is started. If I make any modification to the script after KiCAD is launched, the function in the Footprint Wizard do not change. This makes it very time consuming to debug since I have to restart KiCad every time I edit the script.

Is there a way to force KiCAD to reload the scripts each time they are launched?

I am running under Windows.

If no one knows you could also try the bugtracker and see what the devs say (fastest way to get their attention).

There is now a solution available. The developers have added a “Update python modules” button.

It is currently available in the nightly builds.


The button doesn’t seem to do anything in 6.0

Please open a new thread.