I found this post: QR Code - does it print ok?
which links this file: https://kicad-info.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/original/2X/6/64a89af3831bec14132633e1c857281063552a53.py
That plugin uses this: https://github.com/heuer/segno/
I have the segno folder and the .py file in my python scripting folder and the footprint wizard see them fine.
I can use the script just fine and it generate a micro qr code perfectly BUT! when I “export footprint to editor” I just get 1 tiny dot on the screen.
I looked at the .py code and I have no idea what I am looking at. Can anyone diagnose this? Anyone know the original location for the script? Maybe there is a git repo out there with updates I just haven’t found.