I just tried to use the footprint Wizard for the first time in years and it dies just after selecting the type. I cant find any reference to anyone having a similar problem. Any ideas?
When you get that specific task done, i want to suggest to revert back to the kicad-7.0-testing_r32144.c75672fd44-x86_64.* from the above link,( date: 2023-04-24 ) since i just noticed that a crashing bug was introduced regarding diff-pair routing that will probably be fixed soon.
I felt i had to let you know you before moving far
Edit: My last suggestion also has the footprint wizard fix included.
Edit2: Diff-pair crashing should be fixed now as far as i can tell.
I can further suggest to try the latest testing build and if the problem exists then please fill a bug report in case this hasn’t been reported already.( I didn’t find one… )
These testing builds will end up as a v7.0.3 release.
recommended: take the *-lite.exe (size between 200…250MB), this is without libraries so will not overwrite your libraries
these versions install over the current stable version (so instead of 7.0.2 you would have something like 7.0.2-1234-xyz-…)
the installation doesn’t change any settings/preferences/libraries
all stable-versions and testing-versions (from the same 7.0.xxx branch) have the same fileformat - so no problem with file load/save
in case a critical bug/issue is discovered: you could always use a slightly older testing-version.
The mentioned link contains the testing-versions from the previous 1…3 month
What I do not want, is to mix: development version(s) with stable version
That’s understandable.
So you could use the testing builds - these are from the current stable branch (v7.0.x) and include the daily bugfixes which after every 4…6 weeks are included into the next stable release. (7.0.1 - 7.0.2 - 7.0.3 …).
So you can faster benefit from the small bugfixes in the stable branch.