Is there a reason you are not using the footprints that are shipped with KiCad? They are exactly the way you want them
I would like to be accurate with the components. Also, I can’t find the sizes I want, so I just import them.
Hi @Ame1 , a few comments now all is clear to me. Thanks for posting the picture.
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Imported symbols and footprints nearly always have texts in different places and are different sizes to Kicad library parts. These texts can be permanently changed, but only in the Personal library you placed the imported footprints and symbols.
To change the text sizes to match the resistors, double Left Mouse Click a resistor, select “Edit Footprint” then LMC each text and take note of the size and layer of each different text and finally close the resistor footprint.
Next, double LMC an imported cap. footprint and select “Edit Library Footprint”. Double LMC each text and change the sizes to match the resistor text sizes. Next, move the texts to where you would like them (hold LMB down over text and move mouse). Save and close.
To save surfing the net to find a suitable footprint 9same goes for symbols), it is usually easier to modify a similar Kicad library footprint.
To do this; you find a similar Kicad footprint using the Footprint Editor by scrolling through the library lists on the LHS. When you find something, use “File > Save as” then highlight a Personal library from the newly opened list and give the footprint a name and click OK.
Now close the Kicad library footprint on the left and open your new footprint in your personal library still on the left in the list of libraries. Finally, modify to whatever, the parts of your new footprint.
Thank you very much for your help! Now I understand more.