Footprint support broken

I can’t get any custom footprints to work. Importing them from an existing library in Eagle, I have been able to get them to appear in the footprints library editor, seemingly with everything on the correct layer. Also, in principle, I can assign them to symbols. But when I try to update a PCB, after zero error messages, all the parts disappear, and are replaced with ratsnest lines to nothing.

KiCad has already wrecked the same board five or six times.

OS? KiCad version?

There’s known issue on macOS where footprints won’t render, but they’re still there. Try reloading the board.

Yes, sorry, I’d had such a frustrating afternoon I forgot my forum etiquette. It’s Macos Sonoma, KiCad 8 latest version (literally downloaded it for the first time yesterday). I never saved it with the invisible parts because it seemed the board was ruined. I’ll try this and update.

Also, have a look at: Preferences / Preferences / Common / Project Backup With that you can control how many automatic backups are saved by KiCad, and even if you do a save of a defective state, it’s easy to restore a previous version from the backup directory. If you put your project in a sourcecode revision system such as GIT then you have even more control of older versions and backups.

After leaving it alone for a few days and coming back I tried again with different PCB update settings and for now this appears to have solved the issue. Thanks for the advice, and apologies for coming in with guns blazing, sometimes learning a new tool after being very used to an old one will do that to you!

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