Footprint Snaps on Custom Footprints

So I’ve managed to get myself into the weeds with a very custom PCB.
In footprint editor I import geometry into the correct layers using the excellent Gerbolyze (long-winded write up )
When I make an SMT pad then select both and click “Create Pad from Geometry” it works…
All snaps go to the SMT pad, regardless of the fact that the geometry is much bigger.

  • Is there a way to disable auto snap-to-pad-center?

  • If not, what am I missing about creating pads from geometry?


This is as designed.
If you make a custom pad from an SMT pad and graphics, then the pad becomes the attachment point for tracks. That is the main reason that a custom pad is build around one (and only one) of the standard pads in the first place. I am not aware of any way to add more snap points to such a pad.

If you show us a screenshot of your custom pad and describe what your intended use is, then maybe we can give some more suggestions.

Thanks for the quick reply.
See attached photo. Note my mouse is still over on the right, it has snapped down to the crosshair.
So my use-case is somewhat non traditional. I’ve had scripting create large power distribution tracks.Connecting them to other nets is a pain due to the snapping behavior. I ended up with a line similar to the one shown, but in a more problematic place.

Is there any keyboard command to temporarily suspend snaps?

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In that case I’d simply add additional pads (with the same pad number as the main pad, to prevent DRC issues) to the footprint to act as connection points.

You did not specify the version of KiCad you are working with, so I am answering for the nightly version, in PCB Editor (PCBNew) Preferences->Preferences->Editing Options->Magnetic points

For completeness in v5.1.10 it is Preferences->Preferences->Pcbnew->Magnetic points

Both of these are great suggestions! Thank you!
I somehow had missed the “Snap to Pads” switch.

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