Footprint selector options

About the new footprint selector on KiCAD 8.

It is quite inconvenient to select the appropriate footprint in the newly released UI.
Is there anyway to use previous UI design for footprint selector on symbol?
Or is there other idea about more better usage?

The legacy “footprint Library browser” is still available from the pcb editor. That browser window can be displayed alongside the other applications, so may stay open the whole time. So you could use that browser window to search for the desired footprint.
How long that Library browser window will be supported in kicad: I don’t know.

I admit that there is room for improvement of the current footprint chooser dialog, but for that improvement specific ideas/proposals are needed (maybe memorizing the most annoying behaviour and think how that could be prevented - and then report here or on gitlab).

I would also suggest to make use of the added helper gadgets in the footprint chooser:

  • option to pin most used libraries to the top of the library list
  • “recently used” section on top of the library list
  • filter field: type in a part of the library name and/or the footprint name
  • checkbox to restrict FP regarding pincount
  • checkbox to restrict FP to the footprint filter definitions from the symbol

(small note: there is currently a bug open which prevents filter field and restriction-checkboxes to work simultaneously - so only use one of these options at the same time)

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This is simple idea that improve Footprint Selector. (the image is created using just mspaint)

In default, right-side category selector is hidden and left-side list shows all items in all categories.
When the checkbox on left bottom is checked, right-side category selector is shown. and then, footprints of selected category (in right-side category selector) are only shown on left list.

How do y’all think about this?