Footprint Re-associating completely after updating

I’m working on a project where Half of the layout is been completed and then the schematic is modified(few connectors) and re-annotated and then when I update the PCB netlist entire footprints are moving as attached img below.

KiCAD version 5.1.8.

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I do not know how to interpret this:

According to your screenshot you’ve probably got 80+ footprints on the PCB, and you only get 11 errors.

3 of those errors are for missing footprints ( F1, BD1, BD2. Those are probably the components you added) Other errors are also for the same footprints.

So my recommendation is to assign footprints to those schematic symbols and then put it into Pcbnew again.

Another error is about U18. Apparently you have a pad with pin number 7 in the schematic, but that number does not exist in a SOT 23-6, which has only 6 pins.

I’ve updated the image.
My concern is not on those errors but footprints are completely shifting/re-associating

I see you updated your 2nd screenshot.
It shows a lot of ratsnest lines, and your first screenshot does not show any ratsnest lines, even though there are quite some unconnected pads.

It is unclear to me what your actual question is.

The first screen shot is before updating PCB netlist and second screen shot after updating.
As you can see from second screenshot, PCB footprints are moving from where they are and completley messing.
When I update the PCB netlist, previously done Footprints are not supposed move right? Only changed schematic component needs to moved but here all the footprints are re-associating/moving.shifting.
For the first screen shot I’ve disabled ratsnet.

I can’t see much of moving footprints in your screenshots, because the update dialog obstructs most of the view.

It probably helps if you turn of the check box for Update footprints (This prevents the footprints already on the PCB from changing).

How many of the footprints are changing?
A possible cause is if you cut some schematic symbols, and then paste them elsewhere, the connection between the schematic symbols is lost and they are treated as new symbols.

You can also experiment with the other check boxes to find out what they do.

I’ve turned of check box for update footprints, still all the footprints are changing.
All the footprints are changing.I’ve also tried with other check box turned still the same issue,
Footprints move completely.
In the schematic, I just added connector footprints which were previously not added and reset existing annotation.

It looks like you have indeed lost the links between the schematic symbols and the Footprints on the PCB.

Normally this is fixed with: Re-associate footprints by reference, but if you have re-annotated the schematic this may not work, depending on the settings during re-annotation. Did you re-annotate the whole schematic, or only add annotation to the new schematic symbols?

do you have a recent backup

seriously, updating reference designators IF not done carefully destroys hours/days of work. KiCad at least treats this a bit more intelligent than most eCAD software… (having a layout engineer rant at you for 5min because you “update” refdes when re-packaging a mentor project isn’t fun…)

What exact steps did you do? did you save the pcb file with these changes? if not close and don’t save. when you go to update from schematic there is an option to preserve ID

But Re-associate footprints by reference is not working here.
Yes I’ve re annotated the entire schematic.
What could be the options here?

But previously I’ve done these annotating entire schematic and then updating in PCB totally worked for me but for this time It’s completely messing.

I added new symbol and footprints to the connector, saved it and re annotated the entire schematic came back to PCB and updated the PCB from netlist but here footprints are moving while track remains in same position.

With these changes i’ve not yet saved the PCB I’m just trying to update and then closing without saving since it’s messing everything…

To preserve ID are you meaning to keep reference as is? It is not working…

when you click on “Update PCB from schematic”

do you have “relink footprint to schematic symbols based on their reference designator”
kicad typically using a UUID. doing this can resolve or make matters worse :slight_smile:

It notifies me of some error saying:

Read that “some error”.
I already explained what it means.

@Naib: Please do not confuse the subject with posting screenshots from V5.99 if OP is working with V5.1.x.

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what can be done to fix

I also wrote that.
Again: Assign footprints to those 3 schematic symbols.

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Yes you mentioned re-associating should work but here it’s not.

3rd and last time:
You have to assign footprint links to the schematic symbols to get rid of those three errors.

Those 3 errors have nothing to do with the annotation. That is a separate problem.

Please note that my question is not on those 3 errors I’m concerned with 4th error which makes the entire footprints position to move.
Those 3 schematic symbols are just block diagram used in block diagram sheet they do not contain anything it’s just a rectangular.

No it’s not.
The 4th error is just a general error that there are errors.

What happens if you turn on the checkbox for “warnings”, and “infos”. Those may give more information of what is happening.