Footprint Position File (FPF) Wrong Values

Hi people!
I need some help. I’m not sure if this is a bug or I have some setting wrong. When I generate the FPF the XY coordinates are not correct.
For example:
U1’s footprint properties shows the x=97.5mm and y=166mm,
but the FPF shows:
Module positions - created on 10/14/16 11:11:32 ###
Printed by Pcbnew version kicad 4.0.4-stable Unit = mm, Angle = deg. Side : All

U1 PosX=51.0000 PosY=8.0000 Rot=90.0000 Side=top.

I couldn’t find the root cause of this. I hope you could shed some light.

Thank you!

Did you check something like “Use auxiliary axis”? That would use the axis as the (0,0) point.

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Yes, I did set it to the bottom left of my board.

The pos file is using the auxiliary axis.
The footprint properties is using the KiCAD absolute origin and we can’t change that - I wish we could - unless someone is pissed off enough at this behavior and does change the code to do it.

To check if it works, place the auxiliary axis directly over one of your fiducials, generate the pos file… the fiducial should now be at (0,0) in the pos file.
In the properties it’s values should not have changed.
Just tested this on nightly 2016-09-17.

If you want the KiCAD properties and the pos file values to match, place the auxiliary axis origin in the top left on the absolute origin coordinates. It will vanish, but cause that both coordinate systems share the same origin.

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Thank you very much Joan. It’s very clear now.
I appreciated your help.