Hi !! I am new in this forum, and i am looking for to the footprints of LM1875 amplifier and the component Speaker. The footprint’s name of LM1875 is TO220-5, and in KiCad only find TO220.
If you know where I can find this footprints, I would appreciate.
TO-220 5pin is in TO_SOT_Packages_THT.pretty library and it is called Pentawatt (There are four versions to choose).
Speaker as a symbol you could find in devices.lib. The footprint isn’t available because speakers are not standardized and rarely mounted on the PCB, so you should create footprint according to the speaker (the LM1875 has too much power to drive small speakers for PCBs) or connector you have.
This is example of speaker connector for PCB: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/04/06/93/0406936a77c5ffeeac86447058894b4f.jpg
I have the modules Pentawatt, but when I am in KiCad and go to select the module of LM1875, the modules Pentawatt don’t appear in the selection list. How I can fix it?