I am trying to make a footprint that is a coil only made out of tracks and vias. The coil must be in two different layers. I have already managed to design the coil in the PCB Editor. Is there a way to select all parts (tracks and vias) and save it as a footprint, so that I can use it again in another project?
Thank you very much for every little help.
Making a PCB inductor by hand drawing it is not such a good idea in KiCad. KiCad is not very good with graphics. There are some scripts that can help you though. For example, in the link below someone is/was working on a quite elaborate script for planar inductors.
I have also seen a simpler script on gitlab for an inductor in the form of a spiral.
Thank you very much for all your help. I have in the meantime written a python script, which is calculating the coil and which is writing directly into the *.kicad_pcb file.
I am no longer trying to save the coil with its track/vias as one footprint. Now I am using the script and I am storing the parameter set to “copy” the coil into another *.kicad_pcb file.
Hello, StephanO, I leave this here just in case it is interesting for you, as a full tool for planar magnetics was done in Kicad v6 and it is available online for free, including full project and gerber files: https://autoplanar.com/