Footprint library browser in Schematic Editor v7.0 vs Footprint chooser in v8.0

When I have select “Footprint” in the Symbol Properties dialog in the v7.0 Schematic Editor, I got the Footprint Library Browser with a very useful “Show 3D Preview Window” feature. This made the choice very easy and quick.
In Schematic editor v8.0 Footprint library browser is changed to Footprint Chooser and it doesn’t have any possibilities to view 3D model. It’s very poor.
Is there any way to use Footprint library browser (or similar) in v8.0?

There is an open issue on Gitlab to add the 3D viewer into the Footprint chooser.

Hopefully it’ll be in 8.0.1

Thanks! It’s should be great!
In waiting…

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