Footprint for sparkfun 2x2 silicon pads

Good morning,
I want to make a footprint for sparkfun 2x2 silicon pads

But i get errors like this:

[clearance]: Isolation violation (netclass ‘Default’ isolation 0.1000mm; real 0.0000mm)
Rule: netclass ‘Default’; Severity: error
@(148.5416mm, 216.4684mm): Pad 5 [Net-(J1-D7)] from Sw2 to Top.Cu
@(148.5416 mm, 224.4384 mm): Arc on Top.Cu
[solder_mask_bridge]: Opening the top solder mask bridges elements of different nets
Rule: solder mask min width setting; Severity: error
@(73.5015 mm, 199.4684 mm): Circle on Top.Mask
@(66.2015 mm, 201.4785 mm): Line on Top.Cu

Thanks for any help you can give me

for those who want to know more: this circuit fits into this project

I managed to fix most of the errors with ctrl+e to edit the pads as a graphic shape.

This results in pad numbers that are too big :frowning:

the errors I’m left with are:
[solder_mask_bridge]: Opening the top solder mask bridges elements of different nets
Rule: solder mask min width setting; Severity: error
@(73.5015mm, 199.4684mm): Circle on Top.Mask
@(66.2015mm, 201.4785mm): Line on Top.Cu

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