I am going to create a kicad_mod file for a footprint of an ethernet transceiver, A .s8p file is available from manufacture. What does this format mean and is it possible to transfer it to kicad_mod file?
Do you have a link? Are you sure that’s not simply the model number? If an Eagle format footprint is available, you can import that with KiCad. It is most likely though that any footprint data provided is going to be dimensional data and you are going to have to use that to construct your own footprint.
It might also be worth looking on SnapEDA to see if there is a footprint available there but I would encourage you not to spend hours searching for something downloaded from a dodgy site of dubious quality. Spend the time learning how to make a footprint yourself - it is an essential skill and time well spent.
thanks for your reply. The eagle file is not available in this case. Actually, I can draw by myself with slight modification based on the exsisting footprint.