Footprint different in one project

I have a strange problem/behaviour. In a new project I use FT230 device. On the layout pin 12 has a bigger area then the other pins.

Therefore I get error messages (which are correct for this pin).

In a different project I use the same device with the same footprint name. There everything is correct. (I’m not allowed to add another picture. But you would see that all areas have the same size).

How could this come? I tried to copy the device from one project to the other. But nothing changed. I tried to modify the footprint with the footprint editor but have no idea how to configure/change the area size.

Does anyone have an idea?

I don’t know how that pad get enlarged (edited by accident?) but if you want to revert to the library version just Update Footprint from Library.

I tried this before.
The situation is now:

  • I have two projects open
  • In the scematics both project uses Package_SO:SSOP-16_3.9x4.9mm_P0.635mm as footprint
  • In one project I have the bigger area, in the other not
  • With the right click and selecting “update footprint” both tell “actualized, no changes”
  • I tried also to delete the whole device in one project and inserted via copy/paste from the other project. Still the same.

Can it be that my “wrong project” has a local copy of this footprint? But where are those area settings coming from? I haven’t found any setting in the footprint editor.
Can it be that for the signal definition there are different settings? In one project it’s the 5V comming from USB (VBUS) on the other project it’s te 5V from a regulator device?

If you select the footprint you can see where the footprint is coming from (which library) at the bottom of the screen . . . compare the one that is correct with the one that is incorrect and you should understand what is going on.


What you name pin area is not pin area but net clearance. You have somewhere set bigger clearance for +5V net.

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That’s it. Removing this special setting for +5V I have the same for all pins.


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