Footprint chooser without measurement tool annoying, v8.02

The measurement tool is missing on v8.02, that annoying while you are looking for a footprint like a Fuse,
it’s almost impossible to pickup the correct size, going to the footprint library first is not a resonable option.

This is already tracked in gitlab issue Measurement tool missing from footprint chooser (#17107) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab.

Additionally I recommend to improve the description string for your library to include such values (pitch/height/width) if you need them. (I know that the picture shows the standard library - but you could work with your own enhanced version of that library).

Ok, I didn’t know that’s already tracked.
I know that anyone can have it’s own libraray, but even on our custom libraries we always have to recheck physically to be sure that all dimensions are correct, so I think that measurement tool is must. :slight_smile:

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