Footprint and 3D mismatch

I’m new to Kicad but not to PCB design. In my Win 10 install I’m having trouble with a mismatch between the official git footprint library’s ( and the 3D Lib ( For example the capacitor “Tantalum_Case-A_EIA-3216-18_Hand” is looking for a shape called “Tantalum_Case-A_EIA-3216-18.wrl” but this does not exist in the 3D lib. One called “TantalC_SizeA_EIA-3216_HandSoldering.wrl” does exist. Am I expected to go through all the footprints and change the associated 3D association? I must be missing something. It’s like the two lib’s are not a matching pair.

Thanks Guys

This is a known issue introduced by a recent cleanup of the footprints.

Correct 3d models are on their way. (But it can be some time until they get accepted. There are over 100 open pull requests on the combined 3dmodels and symbols repo.)

Your best option would be to create your own library (footprint and or 3dshapes.)
Be aware that your local files are non writable. (or will be overwritten by an update.)
If you want to change your footprints you need to copy them into your own .pretty folder. (Then you can change everything you want.) Don’t forget to add this library to your fp_lib_table.

As above, the models have not been yet updated to match the new footprints. The libs have been significantly improved over the last year but it is an ongoing process.

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New tant models have been submitteed:

They can still be useful to use as mechanical spacers, or to add extra ballast weight to a PCB. Also useful as an electronic ignition circuit.

Well of course! But only those of us who know how to use them correctly.

As can pretty much any other semiconductor.