Flip on pcbnew not working correctly

Hey guys,

I have been working on KiCad for some time now, and all of a sudden the Flip command started doing the wrong thing.

Here’s the original footprint:

Before it would become like this when flipped:

However, not sure what changed but now when I try to flip it, here’s what I get:

Do you guys have any idea on what could be causing this?


Yes, you need to flip your monitor.:wink:

Seriously, the flip command worked correctly. You expected the footprint flipped on the vertical axis but it was flipped on the horizontal axis. Select the flipped footprint and click R (rotate) twice.

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Yes man, you are ABSOLUTELY right. I was being stupid. And I had already done it the right way before. I am doing a series of Keyboard PCB design and here’s me doing what you described on Episode 2 of the series:

I somehow forgot that completely.

Big wholeheartedly thank you!

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BTW, nightly builds have this option:


That’s great! Thanks!

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