Flex Circuit design tools with 3D model show

I downloaded new plugins for RF design tools and added them all in the Plugins folder.
Thinking that would give me access to FPC.
But I don’t!
In rayming page, they just artificially repeat “flex”…while there is NOTHING in there to know how FC is done.
Then one person shows how RF tools are used over a Flex substrate – with 3D model…but I still cannot get that look in PCB.
I would like to make a cylindrical Flex with parts on it. How do I do that?
What tools do I need?
Appreciate any help in the matter.

Why would RF tools have to do with flex circuits?

KiCad cannot model flex circuits “folded” or bent in 3D. To design a flex circuit, use mechanical cad to design the board shape, then “flatten” it into an outline that you import into KiCad. Commonly this is done with the “sheet metal” features of a mechanical CAD tool.

Oh I see!
thnx much.

@Robin_Gangopadhya This may be useful…