Filling zone (ground plane) with two different netlist

Hello everyone

Because I’m designing a PCB that has a IC with very little pads (LFCSP-40) I couldn’t set the same design rule for the common GND.
Searching in the forum I didn’t found a solution for this, but I had to proceed, so I simple chosen to create two different NET (i.e. GND_1 and GND) and separate them with a two pad that later I will solder together.
When I wanted to create a ground plane I also couldn’t assign two different NET to the same fill zone. So I manually connected the pad of different NET to the filling with some tracks. Problem is that every time there’s an update then I lose the connection.

So I’m asking if there is a better permanent solution to do this, starting from schematic, so that it will be possible to continuously update from the Netlist without losing anything.


Have a look at net ties

ok tnx,
I created my own “net tie” component and now I have also a connection that divide the two net without have to solder them together later.

But I still not found a way to connect the two different NET to the same fill plane.

Well if you have different nets you tell kicad you don’t want them connected. So…

ehm, maybe I explained it wrong.
I created two different nets because I wanted different rules for the same net… but in the fill plane I want the two again connected.

So I ask if there’s a way to create

  • or two different rules for the same net (I don’t believe is possible)

  • or a way to connect two nets to the same filled plane (maybe is possible)

See if a GND_1 plane would solve this?

Different design rules doesn’t mean they can’t be the same net. They are just applied to different traces in the same net. Under design rules you could set up GND and GND_1 and it wouldn’t matter. These rules will only apply to the traces you want them applied to. GND_1 could be your small component clearances and GND could be the ‘normal’.

If two planes with the same net overlap they get combined into one. (At least in kicad stable)

Unless they have different priority.

I don’t completely understand the problem with design rules, but there may be a solution to the ground-fill problem.

Have you edited the footprint to specify smaller sizes for connections to the LFCSP pads? Then you can keep them in the same net as the rest of the ground connections, but the ground fill will treat them differently. For example:
