I am getting the hang of the filled areas, but I am having a problem that I can’t seem to get around. I created a filled area on In2.Cu, after reading some posts and watching a Utube. Worked great! I really like how Kicad handles this. Then I added a filled area for In1.Cu. This is supposed to be a complete ground plane, going from edge to edge of my entire board on that layer. In the dialog box I selected the right layer, and selected net GND. As you can see in the screen shot, this does not seem to have worked. I see the hatched outline, but I have “Show filled areas in zones” selected (as can be seen from the purple for In2.Cu). And clearly GND is not connected. I verified that the hatch marks are on the right layer by turning the visibility for In1.Cu. I tried turning all the other layers off, and clearly there are no thermal reliefs etc. just the GND rats nest lines.
I have read all the forum posts on filled areas, but nothing seems to relate. Just to be sure, I updated to the latest Kicad, 6217, dated Sept. 25, 2015.