Fill zone with vias


Is there a way to fill an entire zone with vias attached to the same net as the current zone or do I have to do the job by hand ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Search this Forum with the seed “Via Stitching”.


Thank you, but now I will ask for the same question with pads footprints.
Is there a way to fill an entire zone with footprints ? :wink:

I try to fill a none rectangular shape with pads (or vias) and clever autoplacement if possible.

Is there a way to fill an entire zone with vias attached to the same net as the current zone or do I have to do the job by hand ?

I do the job by hand. Not only you need to add vias but also the tracks (they will be overlapped by the zone filling).

Is there a way to fill an entire zone with footprints ?


  1. Make the component.
  2. In the schematic, add as components as you need.
  3. Connect all the pins of all these components to the net of the zone you want to fill.
  4. Associate these components to the desired footprints.
  5. Generate the netlist.
  6. Import the netlist.
  7. Place the footprints into the zone.
  8. Fill the zone.

I don’t like this idea, but it is feasible.

You can use the array function in opengl.