AFAIK There is no other possibility tochange the priority of polygons exvept doind this for eacht polygon.
This could be very nervy.
Other programs have a so called polygon manager.
This usuaöy combined with a grapghical output where you can see the polygon and move is up and down in the hierarchy.
I think this would be a very niche feature.
By polygon are you referring to copper pour which is called “zones” in KiCad? Zones can be assigned numerical priority (image below from version 5.99). I think that 0 is the default (lowest priority) but I have not used that much and I am not certain as to which is top priority. It is not difficult to tell if you deliberately collide a few zones.
I assume they are referring to the Polygon Manager feature of a certain commercial EDA tool, where what KiCad calls zones are called polygons. We have some work on the roadmap to make it easier to set zone priorities for complicated boards.
yes you are both right.
I’m externsive AD user and always a little bit shocked about licence fees.
In KiCad it’s not yet available to move zones while viewing the hierarchy.
I have seen the EAGLE like priority.
This using this in connection with the DRC is okay.
The DRC finds all the failure / zone in zone gailures.
Most of us make the wiring and local zones combined with vias to enhance the connectvity of a capacittor to GND or somthing else. In this case the last action is filling the layer with a GND zone.
May be easier to implement
A cool and possible easy to implement feateure would be to select all zones and chance the proority at one may be from zero to one.
This will solve the issue if you place a GND zone et least with default priority 0.
Here is some related discussion: It’s originally about a bit different problem but turns into a discussion about zone priority manager. Maybe it should be split.
We have plans to investigate this for V7. We haven’t decided yet if we think the best solution is a manager that works the same way as in AD, so for now let’s keep with the single issue.