Favourite footprint list?

Is it possible to make library list where are all the most selected and favourite footprints added? It wold be cool to have them on top of others.

My solution is to use KiCad libraries as source of footprints to be copied to my libraries.
My library list contains only my libraries so I see only symbols and footprints I have ever used.

Some time ago I described my KiCad directory organization (hope it can be helpful):

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Hi Jurek,

All this is covered in the FAQ. The link is at the top of each and every forum page.

“A beginners guide” shows how to make personal libraries and how to place those libraries in the Kicad list.
“Tips and tricks” is extremely useful for filling libraries.

Thanks, I will read it.

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Ok, so I have read the guide and finally managed how to deal with my personal or favourite symbols and footprint. Setting a “deafult” footprint in a favourite symbol setting does the job for me. So I have defined a bunch of eg. capacitors with a different footprint set as “default”. So finally I have a KiCad>7.0>symbols>My Personal Library.kicad_sym in place. My question is how to keep this file safe and not affected by future KiCad updates?

I have all my KiCad files at D: while KiCad is installed on C:. But the save distance is smaller :slight_smile:

Kicad will only update Kicad libraries.

You really need personal footprint libraries also so your Personal Symbols are linked to Personal Footprints.
Don’t link Personal symbols to Kicad footprints.

Take note of my comments about smaller libraries.
One day when you find you have one library with 300 favorites, you will regret it.
Plan now because later if you wish to change it will be a real mongrel of a job.

Ok, so I will just copy some of the most used footprints into a similar Persona footprint folder. I don’t use much, I just love some few and use them a lot. Thanks.

The easiest way is to open the Footprint/Symbol Editor, highlight the appropriate footprint (or Symbol) in the Kicad library you wish to add, then select:
File > Save as,
Scroll through the library list and highlight your own library,
Change or leave the name,
Click save.

Edit: You can temporarily rename the “nickname” of Kicad libraries so they are adjacent to your personal library, to avoid a large amount of scrolling.

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