Faulty gbr output files

Hi all,

When we try to generate our gbr files (files/fabrication outputs/ gerbers) for our PCB manufacture they complain that all files outputted are the same and they can not use them because they can not see between such things a top & bottom side tracks, component placement etc etc

How do we generate fabrication files that work as expected


I’m not at my desktop but in the Gerber generation dialogue there is a second column labelled Include in all layers or something like that. Do not tick any of the items on it.

Indeed, this Plot on All Layers column must be empty for artwork output.

You should also inspect your gerber files before committing them to a PCB fab. KiCad’s own Gerber viewer is decent, but some prefer to use a gerber viewer from “a different manufacturer” just to exclude that a bug in gerber file creation is not spotted by the gerber viewer from the same manufacturer. There are plenty of online gerber viewers. Most PCB fabs have one, and you can also use Ucamco’s reference viewer. Ucamco is the maintainer of the Gerber format.

And please give us your KiCad version details