How to fast switch on and off libraries?
Reason: depend of computer speed library load is very slow. Also location of the libraries is reason of slowness- my libraries are in NAS.
So, every times when I need library, it start “loading … libraries”. In schematic “add part”, “loading symbol libraries”. It is fast, only 20 second. But when I use Kicad from home, connection is over VPN, I must wait even 5 minutes.
Of course answer is, “use local libraries inside you c:” and “change you network faster” and “buy new computer”.
strong textBut: For “daily work” I use only my own libraries. It is, every times when I need any component, I copy symbol + footprint + 3D to my own library. strong text
It is, I need “general libraries” sometimes. From list I found Kicad internal libraries, Digikey libraries etc. But, list of the libraries is very long. So, if I want switch off libraries I does not need, I must click libraries off. Line by line. Symbol and footprint. And, when I need it, I must know library what I want use or click every library on. Line by line.
So, my question is, how I can select a group of libraries and fast switch on/off it?