Facing Problem when panelizing with kikit [Uploading: Screenshot 2024-11-10 155023.png...]()

Hi, everyone im new user of kikit and want to make a panel with kikit but facing problem with error massage ( cannot perform : C:\Users\gurme\Desktop\PANEL\1210kicad_pcb:multiple outline (16) at [114.5, 76.78252]
please help for making panel

Kikit is an external plugin and tool maintained by its author so you are more likely to get a response by going to its support page on Github. The author is a user on this forum but they may or may not see it in a timely fashion.

But multiple outline sounds like you don’t have a closed shape for the edge. If you run DRC or display the 3D rendering of the board and you get a warning that outline is bad, that’s the issue you have fix first.