I am using KiKIt to panelise my board. After today’s update to KiCad 8.0.4, I am facing an issue with KiKit. While I open the PCB editor file in a project, a pop-up emerges mentioning “No KiKit backend found”.
This is my current KiCad version info,
Application: KiCad x64 on x64
Me too. I have faced the same problem after upgrade to 8.0.4. Seems it is a version issue of some KiKit SW components (cannot deal with new numpy version). But I do not have the experience to solve it.
Thanks for all the support. @Reinhard_Bergmann my issue is solved now. @craftyjon I had a new update for KiKit today in the PCM and made the update. After that, I uninstalled the kikit from KiCAD Command Prompt and installed it again. Previously the KiKit version getting installed was 1.5.0 from the backend side but when I installed it today it got updated to1.6.0 and now I am not getting that pop up message and working fine.
Hi, I have exactly the same issue.
I’ve try to unsintall the kikit backend, and reinstalling it. It does install the version 1.6.0, but it does not work.
I also got the upgrade for the kikit front end after installing Kicad 8.0.4.
@bertrand_meneroud i would like to mention you one thing that, i opened the kicad cmd window as administrator and also the installation path of kikit was added to the environmental path. Please check the installed path of kikit is linked or not. That might also create issue. Sorry for my delayed response.