External Plugins - WireIt-master

KiCad 7
Cannot load the external plugin - WireIt-master

Seems to be from @devbisme ?

The plugin has not changed for 5 months

Not much to go on.

I’ve maintained WireIt for five years on KiCad 4, 5, 6 and 7. I have very little energy, enthusiasm or incentive to keep doing that, so you’ve got to help me to help you by:

  1. Providing the information for your version of KiCad using the Help => About KiCad menu option and then clicking on Copy Version Info and pasting it into your reply.
  2. Indicating where you got the plugin from. (The name WireIt-master looks like a mashup between the actual plugin name and the Github branch.)
  3. Listing the directory location where you stored the plugin so KiCad could find it.
  4. Providing the complete error message from KiCad when it fails to find or run the plugin.

Git, where ‘Stick a fork in it’ has the opposite of the conventional meaning. :wink:

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