Exporting step file from pcbnew - A null Label has no attribute

Has anyone had issues wit this.

Several times now when exporting a pcb to step file I run in the following error.

Generate board full shape.
A null Label has no attribute.
** Error exporting STEP file. Export aborted. **

The 3D viewer has no problems showing the board.

Deleting the pcb, starting a new file and importing from schematic again and just placing an edge cuts rectangle around all of the components makes the export work. So probably not an issue with the 3d models.

Something I am doing while laying out the pcb is causing the export to fail.

Anyone know what exactly the “A null Label has no attribute.” refers to ?

Ok I have managed to break it again and even hitting ctrl z to undo changes back to where it worked does not solve the issue.

Doing a file compare on the 2 files produces only 1 difference. At the top of the file the working file has the following

(thickness 1.6)

and the layout that produces the error has the following.

(thickness 0)

It looks like something somewhere is resetting the board thickness to 0.
Going into board setup, the thickness is shown as 1.6mm and clicking on OK will then fix the export step problem.

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Thanks for reporting this v6.99 issue in the bug tracker.

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