Exporting board Setup page

There is a " copy to clipboard" in the Board stack page.
But it does not “paste” anywhere.
How does one use it?
-thnx for a reply.

I think it’s only for pasting into some external text-editor, so you are able to describe the layer-stackup for the pcb-manufacturer in a external documentation file.

To copy a layer-stackup between different projects/pcb use the “Import settings from another board”-button (bottom left of preferences board setup dialog).

edit: corrected

No Preferences but Board Setup dialog.

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Thnx much mf.
Our ex-engr texted me that in “Place” tab, there is “add PCB Stack” and “add PCB finish” etc…which really gave us the leg-up on this . PUt the group in any “user” document layer. & you have an auto fab dwg created.
But reading the help or any other document to “search” for such topics would not have turned up.
How did the ex find out remains a mystery.

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