Exporting a project to GitHub best Practices

I have a project that i want to publish open source, it was originally built in EasyEDA pro but i think it make much more sense for it to be a KiCad project for ease of collaboration.

I am trying to ensure the entire project is a portable as possible, but am second guessing the route i have taken.

I have created a symbol for every unique component in the BOM and added the symbol to the github repo, this way each symbol has its value, lcsc part number and footprint all correct.

Was this the right way to do it, or should i have used a single common resistor symbol and then overidden the values in the design?

Does it matter either way.

Here is the project in question

You don’t need to save fp-info-cache. It can be added to the list of excludes.

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This seems pretty reasonable. In addition to fp-info-cache mentioned above, you could do some symbol library consolidation if you wanted, and you can safely ignore the .kicad_prl file.

For footprints, a footprint library is one folder (usually ending with .pretty) containing one .kicad_mod per footprint. You have one footprint library and that’s fine.

For symbols, a symbol library is one file ending in .kicad_sym. Symbol libraries can contain one symbol or many, but they’re always one file per library. You have one symbol library per symbol, which isn’t a problem per se, but personally I’d prefer to put them all in one project-specific library called symbols.kicad_sym or whatever you want it to be.

The .kicad_prl doesn’t need to be / shouldn’t be checked in to version control; it’s local project settings that will vary from user to user. Things like layer visibility, selection filter settings, etc. that will change during a KiCad run, and you’d want to be saved next time you load the project, but that you wouldn’t want to track in version control and/or share with other users.

There’s an overview of file types here: KiCad | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad

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