Exported PCB VRML file size is so small

Dear All

I can able to export VRML file from PCB layout and imported in to FreeCAD. But the file size is so small i.e. 10 times smaller than actual PCB size. I have set zoom as Auto in KiCad before exporting. How can we export the PCB as actual size.


The issue is solved. I have selected radio button of “Dimensions in mm” instead of “Dimensions in Inch” in previous export. Now the exported PCB size looks correct.

Why the PCB size looks small when selecting “Dimensions in Inch” radio button when exporting?


VRML has no scale in the file. So if you export in inches 1 VRML unit = 1 inch in KiCad, import that into FreeCAD and it assumes 1 VRML unit = 1mm so you get a board 25.4 times smaller than you expected.


Understood. Why can’t we reposition or rotate the vrml (wrl) file? Is there any other method to do that?

Thank you

Yes, you can re-position the imported VRML file in FreeCad.
Select PART DESIGN workbench
Select your .wrl file.
Select “DATA”
Next to Placement data, you ought to see three dots (…) , clicking there opens the PLACEMENT TASK.
You can now use fresh co-ordinates, which can either be absolute (relative to 0,0,0) or incremental (relative to current position).