Export netlist from kicad to tango or protel

I’ve a kicad 7 schematic and I need to export the netlist in tango or protel format. Is it possibible?
I see Orcad and Cadstar exporter only.
Alternatively is it possible to convert Orcad/CadStar netlist to Tango/Protel?


Probably, if you can find documentation of the Tango/Protel formats, you could develop a script to convert one to the other.

Thanks Jon for fast reply

Hi @Leotordo

You need to ask Tango and Protel for Kicad importers.
You also need to ask Tango and Protel for Orcad and CadStar importers.

The problem is a little more complicated
I’ve a project in kicad 7 to convert and route in Altium
Altium imports the pcb correctly, but doesn’t import the schematics because imports up to kicad 6, at the moment.
So the only way to have netlist check is to compare Altium pcb with an external netlist. Altium does that check, but only with Altium netlist and its old versions (Protel and Tango).

Altium imports Orcad and CadStar…but binary files, not netlist.

That’s all.
Any idea?
I think I’m going to reject this job :frowning:

Altium need to update their imports. That is why you pay money to them. Best to ask Altium.

Does Kicad export to Cadstar? I thought they only imported from Cadstar.

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It is possible that the next Altium versions will support Kicad 7. It is not a problem of money since I pay for Altium updates every year.
The problem is that my client would like the job finished within two weeks.

Kicad export Cadstar netlist, but Altium importer needs Cadstar binary files.

I will give up work. Thanks bye

I found a solution. I found a netlist translator from Orcad to Protel and it works


Can you link it here so that others in your situation could use it in the future?

The name of the software is Omninet for windows

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I found this interesting so went looking for this product but unfortunately this looks like it is comercial software:-

Please correct me if I am wrong but I couldn’t see where to download this or even a link to buy it.
Not that I could justify buying it for non-comercial use anyway. A shame as it sounded useful.

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