Export 3d model from daughterboard to be used as footprint

I have a design with a main board and a front and backplate which are also pcbs.
I can export the .step file and use that in a footprint placed on the main board. That, works, but I want to see the front and backplates including what’s on the silkscreen and the pads to connect the ground-planes. Exporting to .wrl includes the silkscreen, but when selecting the wrl in the footprint as a 3d model i see nothing added.
What’s the way to do this?

Found KiCAD StepUp for FreeCAD, but having issues with the silkscreen .dxf import.

running the script failed

StepUp can import (using it from FreeCAD) copper and silk IIRC. They are tool buttons.

FYI - you can do it. Get the PCB’s as you want them and use FreeCAD/StepUp. It may take a bit of learning effort but, very doable in very short time.


Errors when using the silkscreen dfx import

Why do you use dxf? StepUp can import from the kicad_pcb file directly.

AFAIK, not the silkscreen.
Looking at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3NoAOxOGxA

Before my old brain gets too confused (if it isn’t already): importing DXF into Kicad places it on a Selected layer in pop-up. Also, after that, if desired, can double-click it and move to a Copper layer via the pop-up.

Sorry, were talking import of a KiCAD generated .dxf (the silksceen and copper layers) to be imported in FreeCAD/StepUP. Not importing .dxf into KiCad.

o.k. Having said that, I have No problem importing the Kicad exported DXF’s into FreeCAD.

I Import them in the Draft Workbench (though it should also work in PartDesign workbench).
Did not use Stepup for importing into FreeCad.

This is how I do it for FEA/FEM thermal analysis in FreeCad.

Image of the Kicad exported DXF’s (silk, Fcu and edgecuts): imported into FreeCAD.

[EDIT] Added:

Also - it should be well notated most everywhere that FreeCad is referred to:

FreeCAD programmers cross-use word/terms in various workbenches BUT (underscore that, BUT) they do NOT do the same things. This sort of Open-source programming control is a killer…

Good example is ‘Tesselation’ It’s set up in different workbenches and users wonder why the set it to particular value, only to find it doesn’t apply to a different workbench.

Graphic Tesselation
FEM Tesselation
STL export Tesselation

… get it?

There are some other settings that may apply to loading DXF into StepUp.

Below are my settings:

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Are FreeCAD and StepUp up to date?

FreeCAD 0.18.4, StepUp from the Addon manager (which doesn’t say the version, so I’m updating prophylactically, taking ages)

Looking like this, but would be nice to be able to check if the pads which are connecting the grounds are on the right spot.

FC 18 has many bugs. Use either v17 or, better to use v19 (I switched to v19 and have used all versions since FC started).

Also - Tip’s:

Import DXF, set the Face to True (and can change color, pad it…etc. And, use the Placement/Position fields to move it were you want it… (setting to True fills it in).

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Same error in FC 19.
If I set my DXF Import settings like in your screenshot, I get this error from StepUp:

I’m not a fan of plugins - far, far too much reliability on everything playing well together and updates happening in timely manner (if they happen at all).

Again, re-emphasizeing: FreeCAD pref’s list pref’s only for loaded/active workbenches.
If setting something for FEM, load the FEM wb, if setting something for StepUp, load StepUp wb.

You’ll need to play/test things/settings and make notes…

[EDIT] And, yes, you can (at least, I can: using a Mac,) open Stepup wb, create New and Import DXF. It works… image below:

Does the StepUp DXF import work for you?

Again, I’m not a fan of plugins. But, I tested it (re: your question).

It first produced the same error message - reading it (important to read it) yielded the Clue.
I then re-set the Pref’s based on the message and Bingo! I only loaded one dxf for the test - the top silk layer.

It imported the DXF into stepup. But, so much easier to just do a regular Import…

Image of results using the DXF icon you posted:

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Quick follow-up on 'Why I prefer to Not use Plugin/DXF importer):

The DXF objects load into a single non-editable container. For Thermal analysis, I don’t want the burden of extra FEM nodes/etc thus, I delete what I don’t want. Importing the normal way lists all the objects and I can delete what I don’t want.

Image of DXF import via the tool (compare to my previous post that shows the list…) Can’t delete or individually Hide objects. All about personal choice…

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