Expansion of F.Mask and B.Mask

Hi, everyone
I’m working on footprints and i just realize two things :

  • When you have a footprint with an expansion of the F.Mask (like 0.05mm) and you reverse the SMD Component at the bottom, the expansion is not enable



Maybe I have to modify parameters but i don’t know what kind ?

  • On throughting pad, when I set F.Mask and B.Mask

    I don’t have expansion mask on the bottom

For these two points, i solve the problem with :

  • By forcing the expansion on footprint properties

  • By forcing the expansion on IC Option

I’m pretty sure that’s not the way to do it correctly so thanks in advance for your advices


I always use the mask extension method in the footprint settings, for each footprint in the libraries, this method seems to me to be correct and has not led to errors so far. In your case this is variant 1.

Thanks for your message, i’ll wait the 9.0.1 :slight_smile: