Excellon layer display

I am in the learnig process.
When I load a Excellon file (which is included in a zip file) in the Gerber wiewer, it does not show as a layer, it is blanck !!! an arrow is displayed just defore the file name, there is a collor given to this layer.as I said not displayed.
In addition there are at the end of the file (Other, Drill)
Extension of the file is DRL which is readable by other programs. Can open the file with a word processor and it is fine.

Where is my mistake?

Excellon files are drill files so not “layers”. If you turn their visibility on and off you should see your holes appear and disappear. In particular the PTH layer will affect plated holes for TH components and vias.

All other layers are dispayed.
For the Excellon file, as I wrote, the file name shows up in the list but is not displayed. I can see an arrow added on the left of the file name and what seems to be a comment into brakets at the end of the file.
In FlexCam, it is OK.
Some other gerber viewers return an error message, but display an incorecct drill patern, some do not open this file, no wonder it is not a gerber file :grinning:

It shows as holes for me. Whether or not you see it depends on the priority of the layers. Here are screenshots of my project:

All layers shown:

With PTH layer turned off:

I think you can see the difference.

Don’t worry, if you forget to submit the drill files, the fab will ask you why you didn’t include them. :wink:

This is one screeshot. As you can see, everything is on. Files have been sent :rofl:

Uncheck all layers but the drill one.
Zoom out as much as possible to see if the drill origin is different from the other layers’ one.

I already dit it…blank sceen

Then, open the drill file with a text editor to check if it is blank too.

No it is a text file
As I am a new user, i cannot upload it :cry:

This file works in other program

You have already reached “trust level 1 / Basic”, and should thus be able to upload multiple pictures or attachments.

this is the file. Please read it.

carte inter V4.drl (6.1 KB)

OK I undersatand. This seems clear.


That is a weird Tool Diameter (C#) format, so Gerbview thinks the tool sizes are zero.
Which software generated this file?

Changing it to the following makes gerbview happy:

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This file is generated with TCI4.4.
TCI generates gerber files and excellon file. I have been using it for years and, so far, I had several PCB made with no problems but recently, to my surprise, the same PCB supplyer has rejected some files
Today, the last order went through the audit and should bein production

There are some good news an some bad.

Good news: when modified, the file opens in Kicad …thank you.

Bad news , when modified this file does not open in Gerbview and gerbv as well. Not modified, gerv can open it with incorrect results
Modified, he file cannot be opened as a gerber file in FlatCAM although it can be opened as an Excellon file as it used to be with the commas… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I will test some other gerberviewer available on supplier sites.

Opens fine in gerbv for me.

carte inter V4 (copy 1).drl (6.1 KB)

This is an Excellon file, of course it cannot be opened as a gerber file.

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