I hereby certify that I am not simply asking someone else to design a footprint for me.
This is an auto-generated message that is in place on the “footprints” section of the KiCad.info forum. If I remove it and ask for a footprint to be designed anyway, I understand that I will be subject to forum members telling me to go design my own footprint or referring me to a 3rd party footprint site.
I can see it in Schematic view but refuses to show a footprint in pcb view, checked everything and all my google searches does not yield results. I am urgently trying to cad 3 carrier pcb’s where one of those esp32-S3 devkit boards that you normally stick into a breadboard will go onto these carrier pcb as its in a prototyping phase.
The content of the footprint file seems to be OK (in KiCad 9.0RC). Have you put the .kicad_mod file in a footprint library folder where KiCad can find it? Please describe the situation and what you are doing step by step.
Footprints from external sources are often problematic. This dev board looks like it has standard 2.54 mm pin pitch and 22.86 mm (0.9 in) row spacing. Just adapt one of the existing footprints or make one using the footprint wizard in the footprint editor and save yourself a heap of frustration.
If you’re not worried about details such as silkscreen dimensions, fab layer, courtyard etc. creating a DIP footprint with the information given by retiredfeline takes about 1 or 2 minutes.
If you want to try a workaround, you can open the .kicad_mod file in a plain text editor, select all, copy, paste to the board or footprint editor.
I guess you just have some small problem with understanding how the KiCad footprint library system works, but what problem is may take longer time to solve here than using some other method of creating the footprint.
EDIT: you can copy the footprint file to some of your existing personal footprint library folders. Open the footprint browser again and you should see the new footprint there. KiCad footprint libraries are simply files inside normal OS folders and KiCad reads the file list when re-opening. I don’t know how much you know and understand about the library system, so I can’t tell what kind of instructions would be most useful for you.
Ok I see the symbol and the footprint is in the footprint library, but when switching to PCB view its not there, also try linking the footprint to the symbol and still no joy… it this perhaps a Windows 11 or am I being a dufus
The symbol has pin numbers of the form J1_20 for example. This is longer than the 4 alphanumerics allowed. Normally KiCad uses integers.
The footprint has no pad numbers that I can see in the low res screenshot.
As a result KiCad is unable to match the pins with the pads. See this FAQ for how KiCad does the matching:
I would edit the symbol pins to between 1 and 44 (it seems not all pins are used), dropping the J1_ and edit the footprint, assigning pad numbers from 1 to 44. Double check the correspondence or it will be a costly and time-wasting mistake.
Well I canned windows on my one machine and install Linux Mint. now when selecting the symbol it matches the footprint, but this issue is not just with that footprint as well… so please humour me as I might be at fault. If you ERC check has errors, then it will not pull anything into pcb view correct? because not even bundled ones is showing?
Guys I apologise I am dufus and I missed steps so thats why nothing was showing. I do apologise thank you for everyones input, I think I am just a bit stressed so I am missing things