Error while importing Diptrace schematic in Kicad


I tried to import Diptrace schematic and PCB to Kicad. PCB with its tag names for various components remains same however when schematic is imported the tag names of various components get swapped e.g JP1 (10 pin DIL), JP2 (14 pin DIL), JP3 (14 pin DIL) being header on imported schematic becomes JP3(10 pin DIL), JP1(14 pin DIL), JP2(14 pin DIL). Some kind of circular shift resulting in mismatch behavior. New imported schematic with new imported PCB, which wil show up an errors when I try to update PCB from schematic.Why this is happening?

What software did you use to convert diptrace to kicad? (I am not aware that there is an inbuild importer)

I am exporting my design as Eagle schematic from Diptrace and importing generated Eagle schematic to Kicad. In this, I am getting above problem.

Have you tried to import it into Eagle to see if that works? Is Diptrace exporting into the latest Eagle or the old Eagle format? The old won’t work. Try importing into the latest version of Eagle and export from there.

@hermit @Rene_Poschl
I think, there is no direct way to convert diptrace schematic/PCB to Kicad. But in both S/W Eagle platform is available. So I am exporting Diptrace schematic as Eagle Schematic, and importing it to Kicad. I dont have Eagle S/W, then how to check whether exported Eagle schematic file is old or latest version? when it is exported the name of file is just "Eagle Schematic (.sch) ".
Please give suggestion on this or if you have any other way to convert Diptrace schematic to Kicad then please tell us.

if you can open the file with a text editor and it looks like xml then it at least exports in the new format. Without the files however there is very little chance for us to help,

Last I knew Eagle still had a free version. I kept it around for a while just for things like this.
here you go :wink:

As of official diptrace website
They have eagle XML export

I have diptrace license for my personal work. But i’ve never tried diptrace export for kicad (via eagle format).
I usually use diptrace to import other formats like edif or altium. If i need to work in kicad, i will just start from scratch.

Probably a bug in Diptrace. Try asking Diptrace support.

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