So I’m trying to get KiCad working. I setup a resistor and hooked one side to ground the other to VCC.
Then I assigned it a footprint of some random resistor in the netlist screen and saved it.
Next I opened Pcbnew and clocked to open the Netlist I just saved and I get these errors:
Info: Reading netlist file "C:\Projects\Electronics\CNC\KiCad\test\". Info: Using references to match components and footprints. Error: No footprint defined for component 'R1'. Info: Checking netlist component footprint "R1:/57F09B92:". Error: Cannot add new component "R1:/57F09B92" due to missing footprint "".
How do I get past this issue? I got my brother to try KiCad on linux (I’m using windows) to see if its just me, and he gets the same issue.
I used a component IC 7805 (+5V regulator) from default library, and in the cvpcb list, I assigned the TO-220 footprint to this component from the default footprint library. But this error below was shown in reading the net-list in Pcbnew :-
Error: Component ‘U2’ pad ‘GND’ not found in footprint ‘TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-220_Vertical’
Error: Component ‘U2’ pad ‘VO’ not found in footprint ‘TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-220_Vertical’
Error: Component ‘U2’ pad ‘VI’ not found in footprint ‘TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-220_Vertical’
All other components were wired successfully with traces in the Pcbnew window after cvpcb was run, except for this 7805 regulator. It stood there alone, with no connections from its 3-pins to the other components connected in the schematic. Also, no ERC error was also shown in the schematic with the pins of this Ic 7805 component. Pl. help.
Yes Thanks, I just noticed by checking it, as per your reply, that the “footprint” has pin numbers like: 1, 2, & 3
But the “symbol” has V1, VO & GND
Should I edit the component in “editor” & change it’s pin numbers also to 1, 2, 3 OR, should I edit the “footprint” in footprint editor to match the pins of symbol?
I can easily edit the “footprint” & put it in my own library. I know how to do that.
Any other way?
This is the right approach. Footprints are more universal than symbols and could be used for many different symbols. For example, in the future you will need a TO-220 triac or transistor where pins are numbered: 1, 2, 3 - or worse: G, MT1, MT2; B, C, E. Making separate footprints for each variant? Ridiculous.
So. Keep as many symbols and aliases with pre-filled footprint link as you need and minimize the footprints database. You’ll have an easier time later.
Great advise.
(I did this experiment: I change the “footprint” just now, & saved it in my local library, to match the “symbol” pins, then I re-associated that with the component. & then, I did get TWO pins right this time, and they were also connected OK. & now, the error was reduced to only one pin - VO)
So I think, I can see that you are right. I should edit the “symbol” rather than the “footprint”
I will also try this method, tomorrow or so,…
But thanks to all of you for your help , as now i know, what the problem basically is.
Today, I did as advised above: I edited the symbol to match pins of the footprint, and so now, all the pins got connected nicely in the Pcbnew. Thanks a lot.