I am getting a “missing connection” error when doing the DRC for a pad that should be connected to GND.
I have examined the other topics where people had this issue, and I don’t think I have a ‘island’. The identical footprint right next to the one with the error, doe not give an error. So I’m confused. I attached a screenshot.
I tried to also attach the .pcb but it says “new users can’t upload attachments”
Ah that explains it why the disconnected pad is showing up as an error at J6.
Thanks guys for taking a look and the tips.
GMC: One question on the image you show. When I ran the cleanup tool I can see the arrows, but I couldn’t see those tracks unless I make the pads invisible or opaque, whereas they seem to show on yours. Is there a way to set the layer order?
There is probably is a way to see them from turning off various layers but I find it quicker to zoom right in, then on the DRC clck on the warning and it will take you to the spot with the issue. (Helps to have 2 monitors)
If you click on the green arrow near the tip you should see the unconnected track
I am surprised that at the picture in the first post there is no that ratline. I supposed that DRC error tells about connecting that pad to GND island but in such case I expected the ratline but it was not there.
Turning off Layers and Objects can often help with spotting stuff.
In this case, I turned off the bottom layer (in Layers) and the pads (in Objects) which easily shows the two stray pieces of track.
To turn layers and objects OFF and ON left mouse click on the “eye” beside the name of the object or layer.
EDIT: I could also have turned off Zones, Silk and F.Fab which would have only left tracks, to make spotting even easier.
In Protel I was always changing GND ratlines to blue and VCC to red and hiding the GND lines, but it was not possible in KiCad V4 and V5 so I learned to start work from doing the GND zone (at top and bottom) bigger then the whole PCB.
Pressing ‘b’ hides most of GND ratlines and you need not to remember to switch them back on close to end of design.