Error during KICAD6 test


I am using kicad 5.1.12
We are testing kicad 6 this time.

Working Full Path
“D:\Work\Genesis8K\HW\RGK09 - Mini 60\ANSI WK\RGK09_Mini_KA101_68ANSI_MX_RGB6028_WK_V1.00 Working\RGK09_Mini_KIS10FE_KA101_68ANSI_SMX_DFS_RUi_L36250_XR_WK_Ver1_00.kicad_pcb”

There is an error like an attachment.
What’s the problem?
There was no problem in 5.1.12.

An i18n problem with file paths, again. You should report this to Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab and give more details, especially your locale settings and the exact Windows version and whatever else may be relevant for language, character set and other settings, and of course exact steps to reproduce the problem.

There have been some similar issues, see Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab (i18n).

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