In my circuit, I’m using a switch and a DC/DC converter. For my application, I need voltages of 3.3V, 3.8V, and 5V, as well as +15V and -15V. When I check the ERC rules, I get errors. I added PWR_FLAGs, but other errors remain, stating that I connected an output to a power output. I don’t understand since these are all voltages. How can I correct this issue?"
[pin_to_pin]: Pins of type Output and Output are connected
[power_pin_not_driven]: Power input pin driven by no power output pin
[power_pin_not_driven]: Power input pin driven by no power output pin
[power_pin_not_driven]: Power input pin driven by no power output pin
I never run ERC but when I read these errors it seems being clear what they are about.
For example if U3 pin 34 is defined as power output (I can’t see it from schematic screen shot) and then you connected PWR_FLAG (adding to this net virtual power output pin) then you have two power outputs connected together and ERC reports it as first error at your list.
If pin 34 is not power output than this error can be about some other connection at your schematic.
If you have any power input pins connected to a net and no power output pin (you can use for it virtual output PWR_FLAG) then ERC reports it as an error assuming that any power input needs be powered.