I am currently routing a project with Kicad software.
The problem is that after “netlist import”, I have all connections on the screen and the view is “polluted” by the many ground connections (GND): which complicates the visualization of the routing pcb. Moreover, in the end, these connections will not be routed but will be connected to a ground plane.
So I would like to make a class of ground equipotentials and choose to show or hide them. But I don’t know enough Kicad to know if this is possible and how to achieve it.
Any suggestions for this?
I assume you mean the ratsnest lines to GND. Try this: Go to the Appearance manager at the top right, select the Nets tab, and turn off visibility of the GND net.
you can also create the ground plane zone, press B so it is calcultated. Then all the ground connection are done, so no rastnet is displayed.
After that you display the zone in empty mode (on the left toolbar) and it’s not a problem to rout the rest of the board.
Changing the visibility of one rastnet is also quite a usefull trick
Most, but not all. If other tracks divide GND into islands then few GND connection lines remain.
Since I remember my standard first steps were to:
- change GND lines color to blue,
- change VCC (and other power) lines to red,
- hide GND lines.
When I moved to KiCad (4.0.7) I missed this opportunity the most.
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