Environment Variable Issue

Since upgrading to Ubuntu 20 and re-installing KiCad I am seeing that each time I have to set the KIGITHUB environment variable manually.

If I echo $KIGITHUB it is correctly set to https://github.com/KiCad. Each time I just set the variable manually (and get schooled about how I set this path manually and how awful that is yada yada).

Looks like it is just me dealing with this.

What am I doing wrong.

Are you really still using the official footprints via the github plugin? We do no longer maintain these since the version 5 release. See I had KiCad 4 installed previosly. Now i updated to v5. Now i have some problems with the library setup

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Hi, Thanks. I will accept that I am using those. And will that note I will try my move.

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