Emojis (titles need to be 15 characters too? sigh... )

Ok, that confirms it, it really is 20 Unicode chars and not 20 bytes.

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :pouting_cat: :roll_eyes: :grimacing: :nauseated_face: :fearful: :hot_face: :cold_face:

Iā€™ve managed to do it with 10 if you add extra spaces in between.


It can also be 20 spaces, but you hit a different limit, it rightly says there isnā€™t a sentence there, hence the AB.

Seems like thousands of emojis and yet I canā€™t fine one for ā€˜off the railsā€™?


Ok, itā€™s not one emoji, but how about this emoji sentence? train on tracks - explosion - empty tracks


I was just today hearing about some new emojis. There is an organization which sort of establishes them.


To an old non-ā€œtech savvyā€ geezer like me, ā€œoff the railsā€ sounds like a good one. But I would be lost at trying to sketch what it should look like. I suppose I might do a better job at ā€œtrain wreckā€ which sounds like a close cousin.

I have not taken the time to read the article. But it looks like the burden would be on the person submitting to design it; show it both in color and B&W.

And in the case of humanoid body parts, in various skin tones. And gender variants. So Thomas the train wreck needs to be accompanied by Thomasina the train wreck. :wink:

You lost me for a minute even though you made me LOL. When I think of a train wreck, I think of literally that. But even though I live in an industrialized country, we have plenty of both literal and figurative types. There was a big one within 20 miles of me a few years back. Train came down from the overpass onto the freeway and people diedā€¦

The emoji needs Thomas crashing into Thomasina, otherwise using one or the other will result in accusations of gender bias.

Probably donā€™t really need a train wreck emoji as a thread ending in that condition will probably be flagged and then exterminated.

An ā€œoff the railsā€ emoji would be extremely useful.
Could end up being the most used emoji on this forum! :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Bigfeet lives! :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl: (how many emojis do I need for 20 chars?!)

:slight_smile: :grinning: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :crazy_face: :poop: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :woman_mage: :man_in_manual_wheelchair: :polar_bear: :apple: :lollipop: :ferris_wheel: :station: :boxing_glove: :teddy_bear: :slot_machine: :spades:

20 of them works.

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